Friday, March 14, 2025



Venezuela Introduccion

Informacion por Estados

Estado Amazonas

Estado Anzoategui

Estado Aragua

Estado Barinas

Estado Bolivar

Estado Carabobo

Estado Cojedes

Estado Delta Amacuro

Estado Falcon

Estado Guarico

Estado Lara

Estado Merida

Estado Miranda

Estado Monagas

Estado Nueva Esparta

Estado Portuguesa

Estado Sucre

Estado Tachira

Estado Trujillo

Estado Vargas

Estado Yaracuy

Estado Zulia


Informacion Interes

Aeropuertos Internacional

Aeropuertos Nacionales

Agencias Maritima

Agencias de Aduanas

Agencias de Carga

Agencias de Viajes

Alojamiento  Estados 

Alquiler Carros Chofer

Alquiler de Autobuses

Alquiler de Aviones

Arrendadoras de Carros

Asociaciones Gremiales

Cadenas  Hoteleras

Casas de Cambio

Clubes Recreacionales

Codigos Internacionales

Codigos Nacionales

Comercializa Internacion

Conformacion Cheques


Consultores Gerenciales 

Consultor Gerencia Hotel 

Cruceros Excursiones


Empreas Editoriales

Hoteles por Estados


Institutos de Turismo

Lineas Aereas


Medios Public -Turismo


Mudanzas Internacionales


Oficinas de Representacion

Oficinas de Turismo


Organizacion de Eventos



Portales en Internet

Posadas por Estados

Restaurantes Regiones

Servicio de Traduccione


Servicios Esp Turismo



Sistemas de Reservas

Tarjetas Credito

Terminales Transporte

Tiempo Compartido

Tramitacion Documentos

Transporte Documentos

Transporte Internacional

Transporte Aereo

Transporte Maritimo

Transporte Terrestre

Transporte Turismo

Turismo y Excursiones


Turismo de Salud-SPA



Mapas por Estados

Mapa de Carreteras


Zona Horaria

Galeria de Fotos

Galeria Fotos Naturaleza

Galeria Fotos Nat Arte

Galeria Fotos Tradiciones

Galeria Fotos Animales 

Galeria Fotos Pajaros

Galeria de Videos

Video -Venezuela 

Video - Amazonas 

Video - Andes

Video - Bolivar

Video Delta

Video Islas 

Video Los Llanos 

Video Pajaros


Seccion Nacional








Seccion Inmobiliaria

Compra  por Estados

Ventaa por Estados

Alquiler por Estados


Seccion Tradicciones





Fiestas Populares

Fiestas Patronales








Seccion Internacional

Husos Horarios 


Tarifas-Vuelos Intnal

Noticias del Mundo

Resumen NoticiasMundo

Busqueda Internet

Busqueda Imagenes

Busqueda Grupos

Busqueda Catalogos

Busqueda Directorioa

Venezuela Yellow Page

Ecoportal Venezuela










Guides & Reservations

Expedia Travel
If you want to do a quick search for flight reservations, the Travel Wizard comes in handy. But by becoming a free member, perks include weekly fare reports on your favorite cities.

You can get some great deals on airline reservations here without having to first sign on as a member, thank goodness.

#1 Discount Vacations
Offering deep discounts on cruises, all-inclusive vacations and tours.

Sky Auction
This is the place to bid on last-minute deals, like weekend packages to St. Croix including airfare.

Lonely Planet
This guide is known for producing well-researched, up-to-date information that travelers can depend on no matter where they're going. Budget-minded travelers and students will feel at home here.
This guide features content from Conde Nast Traveler magazine. Look for bargains, photos, discussions and listings of top places to visit.

There's good information here just like you'd find in one of their famous travel guide books. But you're not likely to find some beach hut or out-of-the-way restaurant listed here.

Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel
You'll find some good deals on travel if you sign up for their daily e-mail newsletter. All the other information here is for the thrifty traveler, just like the name suggests.

Tourism Offices Worldwide Directory
This guide lists only official government tourism offices, convention and visitors bureaus, chambers of commerce and similar agencies that provide free, accurate and unbiased travel information to the public. No travel agents. No tour operators. No hotels.

Travel Channel
Cable TV's Travel Channel offers the whole gamut for travelers, including planning trips and booking reservations, live web cams, weather, maps and a travel store.

The Savvy Traveler
National Public Radio's Rudy Maxa gives tips and tells travel stories. This site has some excellent feature stories like weddings abroad, belly dancing and extreme vacations in Oregon.

Plug in your information to this guide and in three easy steps get a variety of fares to choose from -- all this without having to establish a membership.

Preview Travel
Provides comments and ratings from real travelers to help you find the perfect vacation.

Rough Guide to Travel
Travelers get all the practicalities about the destination of their choice, including details on when to go, language, entry requirements and currency. They also provide information specific to women, gay and lesbian, and disabled travelers.

This is where you can find off-the-beaten-path travel. From Alaska to Zimbabwe, they've been there and done that.

As a registered member you will receive a weekly bulletin, via e-mail, which contains good deals on airline, hotel and rental car reservations.

Council Travel
This seems to be the travel hub for students. Find study-abroad and work-abroad programs, plus loads of other perks if you just happen to be in school or a recent graduate.
Formerly known as Green Travel, this ecotourism guide offers trip planning, ideas and inspiration from a community of seasoned, adventurous travelers. Experts will also answer your calls and e-mails, and help you book trips.

Gay Travel
Their team of experienced gay travelers have journeyed the world in search of the best trips, vacations, lodging, services and excursions. They encourage travelers to share their experiences, recommendations and referrals as well.

Surf & Sun
This is a guide exclusively for beach and island vacations. Some of the listings are currently thin, but what exists is very good.

Ski Central
Nearly 600 resorts, daily ski reports, trip planning and equipment information for anyone wanting to ski or snowboard.

Access-Able Travel Source
A Colorado couple started this site using first-hand experience. They are not travel agents, just messengers for disabled and mature travelers.

Vacation Packager
Plug in where and what you want to do and the "vacation planner" lists various outfitters and their web sites.

Last-Minute Specials
This group claims to offer tickets between 50 percent and 70 percent off the airlines' published fares through the use of consolidators, bulk airfares, travel brokers, business-class upgrades, first-class upgrades, frequent flyer mileage and other discount programs.

Travel & Tourism

Marketing & Travel

Accommodation & Services


Reservation Systems

Internet Bookings

Convention & Exhibitions

Sports, Activities


Educational & Research

Ecotourism & Sustainable

Campainging Organizations

Intergovernmental Organizations


Web Travel Sites

International Phone Numbers

Worldwide Tourism Agencies

Worldwide Country Travel

Worldwide Travel Database 

World Cruisers

World Airlines

World Weather Maps

World Time Zone

World Destination Guide

Worldwide Airport Guide

Tourism Office Worldwide 

Worldwide Guide Reservations

Latinamerica Travel Related Sites

Tourism Glossary

Worldwide-Travel Guide




Worldwide-Airports Delays

Current Travel Warnings

Top Tourist Destination

Air Distances Between World Cities

National Holidays World

World Cities' Average  Temperatures

World Cities' Latitudes, Longitudes

World Airport Guides

Time Table Flights

Book a Flight

Rent a Car

Reserve a Hotel

Vacations Package

Bed & Breakfast

Special Deals

Departures & Arrivals

Fare Watch Emails

Flight Paging

Fare Listing

Consolidator Fares

Travel Agency Locator

Currency Converters

World Weather Maps (CNN)

Maps & Directions

Seccion Inmobiliaria Area Turismo   (Compra - Ventas - Alquiler) Seccion Clasificados

Apartamentos  Casas  Posadas Campamentos Cabañas Hoteles  Resorts  -  (Clasificados por Estados)

Venezuela Informacion General

Servicio de Envio de Correo Electronico a su disposicion - selectivo al area Turismo Nacional Please E-mail to Us
Para sus necesidades de difusion de Informacion, Noticias, Ofertas de sus productos Turisticos, etc -  a mas de 20.000 destinatarios

Guiatur  -  Galeria de Fotos por Temas (5)  mas de 1.000 fotos 
  Galeria Naturaleza  Galeria Naturaleza Arte  Galeria Tradiciones  Galeria Animales  Galeria Pajaros

Guiatur  -  Galeria de Videos por Regiones (8)
   Venezuela  -  Amazonas  -  Andes  -  Bolivar  -  Delta Islas  -  Los Llanos  -  Pajaros

Regional Map International World News & Search

 World News  World Top Stories   Web Search   Web Images Search  Web Groups Search  Web Catalogs  Web Directory   

Clima Mundial   Mapas Mundo   Vuelos Internal   Teatros  Horario Mundial  Cambio   Aeropuertos  Trenes Europa

guiatur venezuela - 30 Idiomas Traductor 


Ejemplos de Pautas Publicitarias y Lista de Tarifas    visitelas antes de decidir Desde Bs.5.000,oo Mes

Opcion Sencilla  Opcion Destacados  Opcion Portada de Seccion  Opcion Pagina Completa  Opcion Portada Pagina Principal  

Unase a la Evolucion en Internet

e-mail Corporativo:

e-mail Direccion General


Telefonos Oficinas Master 212 993 5434  

Celular Oficina 0416 408 6989

Celular Particular 0416 728 2443

Direccion Postal: Apartado postal 61232 Chacao 1060a Caracas

Oficinas: Avd Orinoco Edif Amayur PB Ofic SS - Urb Las Mercedes - Caracas 

Seccion Contacto por Correo Electronico -e-mails



e-mail CorporativoPlease E-mail to Us  Ger. Gral Please E-mail to Us   Gcia-VentasPlease E-mail to Us  Informacion Please E-mail to Us  Pag WebPlease E-mail to Us   SubscripcionPlease E-mail to Us

guiatur es otro producto tecnologico del Grupo Ecoportal Venezuela

Desea Informacion para Inscribirse en el Unico Direcorio Electronico Sistema Turistico Nacional Please E-mail to Us 

Agrege a sus favoritos! (CTRL-D) - Para tener acceso inmediato a la base de informacion Turistica mas amplia del Mercado  guiatur estadísticas